Health and Social Care Consultants is a company specialising in providing Health and Social care turn around services.
Areas of expertise include though not limited to:-
We support your organistaion to reach its maximum potential.
We support you to ensure regulatory complaince
We use our years of acquired experience to look for solutions that are unique to your organisation.
We work effectivley with services
We carry this out to identify service strengths to build on. We examine any eroneous factors that may impact on organisational effectiveness and efficiency.
Our team of Professional Consultants will work in partnership with your organisation to develop an effective and efficient service that is regulatory compliant.
To work with representatives of your organisation in order to implement change, monitore effectiveness and reviewing progress.
We are a commited team of professional and enthusiastic people, who like what they do.
Our team of professionals have years of experience iin the Health and Social Care Sector.
Based in Greater Manchester and East Yorkshire
Email us:
Call us on:
David 07551646595
Philip 07740397790