David is a Nurse who has over 40 years of experince in a variety of fields.
David has has managed a range of services including Learning Disability, Autism, Older Peoples Services.
David has worked as a Nurse in arnage of services including Adolescents, Forensics, Acute Admission and many more>
David has worked within the English and Scottish Health Care Regulatory Systems.
David has held Rgsitered Manager Positions for arange of services including Indepent Hospitals (Hospital Director), Nursing Homes, Residential Homes.
David like Phil has arange of transferable skills, he is a Fellow of Several Institutions and loves teaching others.
He has worked as an Interim Consultant in varying capacitys for over 16 years.
Phil is a Nurse with 40 years experience of which 30 years have been in management.
Phil has managed a range of services including Learning Disability, Mental Health, Physical Disability, Acquired Brain Injury, Older Peoples Services and Childrens Services.
He has held numerous positions that range from Home Manager, Service Manager, Regional Manager and Director.
He has worked with regulatory authorities in England, Wales, Northern Island and the Isle of Man.
Holding registered manager positions for Nursing Homes, Independant Hospital, Residential Homes, Domicilary Care Providers and Nursing Agencies.
He has developed a wealth of knowledge and has a range of Trasferable Skills in Operational Management, Strategic Management, HR Management, Clinical Management, Fnancial Management, Estates Management, Admin and Health and safety.
Since 2015 he has worked as an Interim Consultant and has taken three homes from non compliant to good in periods of three to six months.
Manchester and East Yorkshire
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